I really enjoyed this week’s tasks we worked on in Ed Tech class! We were assigned to do some sketch-noting and create an info-graph. I chose to do an info-graph on creating new morning habits after my therapy session this morning. My therapist suggested a YouTube video by Andrew Hubberman on successful morning habits that improve the mental state! While watching the video I thought I would do some sketch-noting, and I found it so enjoyable. I will be continuing to use this note taking style and will enjoy introducing it to my students some day. I have included a photo of my notes below 🙂

The next task was to create an info-graph using Canva. I have used Canva many times for presentations in thsi program and find its templates to be very visually pleasing. I enjoy using Canva, and will continue to use it into my teaching career. I have included my info-graph I created below!