For week 3 we were instructed to screencast a website. I chose a website that aligned with my inquiry on polymer clay. Watch the video below along with a trial in making my video interactive!
I found this tool really interesting to learn. I had some difficulty with uploading the video with H5P content because I did not realize that when you include the shortcode that the video will not show up until you go to the page outside of edit mode. I think this tool would be great for older grades such as grades 6,7, and 8 when learning to edit videos they have made for an inquiry research project. Perhaps the inquiry will include an option where you have the choice to show your learning via video and the rubric will consider video editing that engages learners. I think H5P components in videos can be distracting if not used efficiently and intentionally. Famous YouTube creators often use H5P components in their videos for clickbait on topics that are not related to their videos which I find distracting, so if we instruct it to be used as a tool that is relevant to the video then it is great!